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Prophetic Prayer Clinic with Prophet Delvon K. Green

sáb, 20 may



This is an opportunity to experience a powerful time of prayer, prophetic insight and spiritual growth.

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Prophetic Prayer Clinic with Prophet Delvon K. Green
Prophetic Prayer Clinic with Prophet Delvon K. Green

Horario y ubicación

20 may 2023, 10:00 – 12:00

Fairfield, 260 Link Rd, Fairfield, CA 94534, USA

Acerca del evento

You are cordially invited to join us at the Equipping the Saints, Prophetic Prayer Clinic with Prophet Delvon K. Green.

This is an opportunity to experience a powerful time of prayer, prophetic insight and spiritual growth.

Prophet Delvon K. Green is an anointed man of God with a passion for helping people connect with the heart of God. He is a powerful intercessor, and the acclaimed author of, "Prayers in the Pandemic."

He has a unique ability to hear the voice of God and deliver prophetic messages that bring transformation, healing, and breakthrough.

At the Prophetic Prayer Clinic, you will have the opportunity to receive personal prayer, tools, and strategies to help strengthen your prayer life or ministry.

Whether you need healing, direction, or a breakthrough in any area of your life as a ministry leader or intercessor, this is a time to encounter the presence of God in a powerful way.

Date: May 20, 2023

Time: 10:00 AM

Location: 260 Link Road #F Fairfield CA 94534

Registration Fee: $30.00

Breakfast will be provided

Click here to register

*Please note that we are a Spirit led church and the Holy Ghost has the right to take over at any point!


  • Prayer Clinic Ticket

    At the Prophetic Prayer Clinic, you will have the opportunity to receive personal prayer, tools, and strategies to help strengthen your prayer life or ministry. Whether you need healing, direction, or a breakthrough in any area of your life as a ministry leader or intercessor, this is a time to encounter the presence of God in a powerful way. Date: May 20, 2023 Time: 10:00 AM Location: 260 Link Road #F Fairfield CA 94534 Registration Fee: $30.00 Breakfast will be provided

    30,00 US$
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260 Link Road, Suite F

Fairfield, California 94534

Escuela dominical
09:30 AM


Culto dominical/Iglesia Servicio
11 a.m.


Oración y Estudio Bíblico

Miércoles 6pm-9pm

Recibimos su oración y nuestros pastores orarán por usted y se comunicarán con usted en breve. Dios lo bendiga

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